He or she may too busy in worrying about their upcoming exams or job and neglect to think about eating a Balanced diet. A man always requires a balance diet that provide correct number of calories, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals to maintain the body weight healthy and enables the body organs to function normally.

Calories per day

Activities Men Women
Sedentary 2400 – 2600 2000
Moderate 2600 – 2800 2200
Heavy 3000 2400

• The important sources of unpolished grains rich in vitamin-B, magnesium, iron, selenium etc.
• Whole grains are rich in fibre. So, it delays the digestion and provide more lasting source of energy.
• Cooked rice per day – 4 cups = 600gm
• Whole grain ready to eat – 1cup =28gm

• Balanced diet included 2 to 2½ cups of fruits a day
One cup of fruits is equal to,
A apple
A large orange
A banana
A cup of juice

At twenties most of man skip vegetables which provides fibre, potassium, folate, vitamin A and C. They more protein too, rather than carbs and fat.
• 3 cups of vegetables per day must be included in Balanced Diet.
• Include variety of vegetables.
• ¼ cup of Beans is equal to one ounce of meat, which is also provide more protein and iron.

Green leafy vegetables
Weekly thrice green leafy vegetables are essential in balanced diet to enrich the body at this age by iron, calcium, vitamin – B and fibre.

Dairy products
• The protein rich Dairy products contains more calcium and vitamin-D that is essential for bone strength.
• 600ml or 3cups of milk or curd with low fat or non-fat is necessary per day in Balanced diet.
• 2 cups of low-fat milk and 1 cup of non-fat curd is recommended per day.

• It is high protein and fat.
• Good choice include fish. Sea food weekly twice is good.
• Lean meat and country chicken are preferable rather than fatty meat and broiler chicken.
• 170 – 200gm weekly once or twice is enough.
• Boiled egg for breakfast weekly twice is good.

Healthy snacks
• Whole wheat crackers, wheat bread vegetable sandwich, whole wheat pasta and macaroni, snacks make with little millets, sprouted whole gram etc.
• Instead of white sugar nattu sarkarai is good for healthy body.
• 100% whole grain products and multi grain labelled food.
• Gluten free food like brown rice, wild rice is good.

• Low fat milk instead of whole milk.
• Drink diluted butter milk more rather than lassie.
• Prefer brown rice instead of white rice.
• Always eat sprouted whole gram.
• Take more vegetables in a day.
• Focus on fruits.
• Select more fibrous food sources like sprouted whole gram, vegetables, fruits etc. instead of fast and junk food.
• Avoid taking more fried food. Boiled and steamed are good for maintaining health in Good condition.