Foods with the following Characteristics:
High volume:
The amount of food ingested has a significant impact on satiety. The volume of foods that contain a lot of water or air is raised without adding calories.
High protein:
Protein is more filling than carbs and fat. Protein-rich diets promote satiety and result in lower overall calorie intake than low-protein diets.
High fiber:
Fiber adds bulk to the diet and slows down the movement of food through the digestive tract, allowing it to feel fuller for extended periods of time.
Low energy density: This indicates that a food has a low-calorie content relative to its weight. Low-energy-density foods might help to feel satisfied while consuming fewer calories.

Good Foods:


Legumes, like beans, peas, and lentils etc are high in fiber and protein. They have a low energy density, heavy protein and fiber. They are highly satisfying. low in calories and  making good choices for anyone looking to lose weight.

Fruits 🍍🥭🍑🍉🍎🍒🍋🍓🍅🍇🥝🍐:

Fruits are an essential component of a balanced diet.Eating fruit is linked to a decreased calorie consumption and can help to lose weight over time. Apple 🍎 in particular, low in calories and high in water 85% and soluble fiber pectin,  that naturally delays digestion. Like apples,Citrus Fruits tomato 🍅, oranges🍊 and grapefruit 🍇are also high in water, which means they can fill up with low-calorie count. Strawberries 🍓, raspberries , blackberries , blue berries 🫐 –Filled with antioxidants and fiber, they’re a healthy way to satisfy your need for sugar.V

Vegetables 🍆 🧄🫛🧅🫚🌰🍅:

Salads have been shown to help satiate hunger, especially when eating before a meal. Avoid high-calorie components and dressings in  salad to keep it low in calories. Vegetables are heavy in water fiber, vitamins and minerals. So vegetables are generally good for the body.   Cucumber 🥒 are mostly water based vegetable. So they are super low-cal as well as filling vegetables.

Spicy foods 🫚 🌰🧄🫑🌶️:

Spicy foods boost the metabolism –by  helping the body to burn fat faster. Chili pepper 🫑 has enough beta carotene for the whole day and twice as much vitamin C as  needed for the day. Good for skin, hair, nails, and waistline.

Soups 🍜:

Soups made with broth like cabbage 🥬, broccoli 🥦, beans, carrot 🥕 are generally have fewer calories than those made with cream.Soups are extremely filling. Soup at the start of a meal can boost satiety, lower calorie consumption, and help you lose weight over time.

Popcorn 🍿:

Popcorn is a whole grain with a lot of fiber and volume, which makes you feel full. Popcorn is more filling than potato chips.

Brown Rice 🍛:

Brown rice filled with phytonutrients. Actually decrease your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.


Quinoa is one of the trends of the moment – for a very good reason. It’s low in calories, but extremely high in protein – making it an extremely filling, and a great substitute for white rice, pasta, potatoes, and other starchy food. There are several types of quinoa, but there isn’t much of a nutrient difference between them.

Green Tea ☕:

Green tea also has a powerful antioxidant, which reduces bloating and even speeds up metabolism, which are both essential to weight loss and to boost immunity.

Fish 🐟:

Though all small fish are good and rich in omega three, Salmon is high in protein and low in calories comparatively. It contains both mono-saturated and poly-saturated fatty acids, which actually aid weight loss, and even help to prevent heart disease.

Whole Egg 🥚:

Eating eggs for breakfast is good as it develops satiated and consumes fewer calories throughout the day than those who eat a bagel for breakfast. It may help to eat less and shed out excess body weight as well as lower body mass index.  Eggs are high in nutrients and high-quality protein.