Pay adequate attention to the development of the uterus at a young age to prevent problems like PCOD, PCOS and others.

In our Tamil society, when a girl attends age, a raw egg 🥚 will be poured  into her mouth to drink, followed by the ghee or sesame oil in the same egg shell for at least one week.

Urad dal dishes will also be provided as evening snacks, daily. The grandchildren of our forefathers ate Black gram Porridge, unpolished boiled rice Porridge, Ragi Adai, Moringa Parsley Mashed Rice.

Apart from a good food diet, girls in the olden days engaged themselves in household work, outdoor games, going to school by walking, etc.

. The foods used by our ancestors kept the uterus clean, the pelvic bones strong, the testicles formed, and the testicles and uterine cysts prevented. Such diets can be used during pregnancy to make childbearing a natural process.

In today’s civilized world, we are destroying the physical temple by eating fast food, cultural foods and being sedentary without indulging in any physical activities. These are the main causes of problems in the uterus.